And this put me in mind that i wanted many things , notwithstanding all that i had amass d together , and of these , this of ink was one , as also spade , pick - axe , and shovel to dig or remove the earth , needles , pins , and thread ; as for linnen , i soon learn d to want that without much difficulty 这使我想到,尽管我已收集了这么多东西,我还缺少很多很多东西,墨水就是其中之一。其它的东西像挖土或搬土用的铲子鹤嘴斧铁锹,以及针线等等我都没有。至于内衣内裤之类,虽然缺乏,不久我也便习惯了。
My cloaths began to decay too mightily : as to linnen , i had had none a good while , except some chequer d shirts which i found in the chests of the other seamen , and which i carefully preserved , because many times i could bear no other cloaths on but a shirt ; and it was a very great help to me that i had among all the men s cloaths of the ship almost three dozen of shirts 内衣我是早就没有了,剩下的就是从水手们的箱子里找到的几件花格子衬衫,那也是我舍不得穿而小心保存下来的。在这儿,大部分时间只能穿衬衫,穿不住别的衣服。还好在水手服装里有大约三打衬衫,这帮了我的大忙。
When we had done this , we came back to our castle , and there i fell to work for my man friday ; and first of all , i gave him a pair of linnen drawers , which i had out of the poor gunners chest i mention d , and which i found in the wreck ; and which with a little alteration fitted him very well ; then i made him a jerkin of goat s - skin , as well as my skill would allow ; and i was now grown a tollerable good taylor ; and i gave him a cap , which i had made of a hare - skin , very convenient , and fashionable enough ; and thus he was cloath d for the present , tollerably well ; and was mighty well pleas d to see himself almost as well cloath d as his master : it is true , he went awkardly in these things at first ; wearing the drawers was very awkard to him , and the sleeves of the wastcoat gall d his shoulders , and the inside of his arms ; but a little easing them where he com plain d they hurt him , and using himself to them , at length he took to them very well 这不由得使我经常想到,上帝对世事的安排,自有其天意,在其对自己所创造的万物的治理中,一方面他剥夺了世界上许多生物的才干和良知,另一方面,他照样赋予他们与我们文明人同样的能力,同样的理性,同样的感情,同样的善心和责任感,也赋予他们同样的嫉恶如仇的心理他们与我们一样知道感恩图报,诚恳待人,忠贞不渝,相互为善。而且,当上帝给他们机会表现这些才干和良知时,他们和我们一样,立即把上帝赋予他们的才干和良知发挥出来做各种好事,甚至可以说比我们自己发挥得更充分。对此,我不能不感到惊讶。