Research on nano - scale linewidth measurement by afm with nanotube tip 以纳米管针尖测量纳米尺度线宽的研究
The finest linewidth is 0 . 28 ? m and the highest aspect ratio reaches 6 . 7 我们所达到的最小线宽为0 . 28微米,最高之深宽比可达6 . 7 。
We have studied and simulated the theory of linewidth of parametric light 论文对clbo晶体的输出参量光的线宽特性进行了理论分析和模拟计算。
Test method for ferrimagnetic resonance linewidth and gyromagnetic ratio of nonmetallic magnetic materials 非金属磁性材料铁磁共振行距和回磁比测试方法
We got the conclusion that the linewidth of clbo is higher than that of bbo at the same condition 得到了clbo ? opo的线宽要大于同等条件下bbo ? opo线宽的结论。
It is concluded that at the boundary of brillouin zone there is a strong broadening in the magnon linewidth and softening 发现在布里渊区边界区域磁振子谱的软化和磁振子谱线增宽最明显。
For many applications , for example , high - resolution spectroscopic studies , however , the narrow linewidth is necessary 对于很多应用,例如高分辨率的光谱研究,又需要opo输出线宽较窄。
The reaction of threshold on linewidth of ring ' s output light is pointed out . this provides a new auxiliary method to determine the threshold 最后提出一种利用有源腔内ase输出光的线宽变化特征来判断有源光纤环形腔阈值点的辅助方法。
If we like to obtain the narrow linewidth parametric beam output , applying soft apertures to input pump beam is helpful , but it will also 如果想获得窄线宽输出,采用软光圈直接输入泵浦光将有助于压缩输出参量光的线宽,代价是转换效率降低。
The high - finesse cavity can be used to measure the laser linewidth due to its narrower cavity linewidth , with which the linewidth of dbr laser is measured as 1 . 49mhz 由于高精细度腔窄线宽特点,它可用来测量激光线宽。实验中用它测量dbr激光器线宽为1 . 49mhz 。