When the aggregates reached a certain size the inner cells became lignified . 当这些聚体达到一定体积时,内部的细胞变成木质化。
The cell wall has undergone secondary thickening , and is often lignified 细胞壁多发生木质化而次生加厚。
Sclerenchyma the main supporting tissue in plants , made up of cells with heavily thickened , often lignified , walls and empty lumina 厚壁组织:由细胞壁极度加厚,通常木质化的死细胞组成,是植物体内的一种主要支持组织,通常具有简单纹孔。
The histological research of male bai zhi showed that it had severe lignified while the tissues secereting the volatile oil and the coumarin ( secretory cavity ) were very little . the results of extractive test also showed that the principle constituent of male bai zhi was lower than the common evidently 公白芷的组织研究表明其木化程度高,而与挥发油和香豆素类成分密切相关的组织(分泌腔)又较少,白芷浸出物含量测定的结果也表明,公白芷中有效成分的含量明显低于一般白芷。