Buzz lightyear of star command-cantonese version 巴斯光年星河系历险旅程-粤语版
Buzz lightyear of star command-english version 巴斯光年星河系历险旅程-英语版
Woody : hey, look, everybody ! it's the * real * buzz lightyear 胡迪:嗨,大家看,这就是真正的巴斯光年!
Buzz lightyear s astro blasters 巴斯光年的星际历险
Join buzz lightyear from the disney pixar film toy story in his fight against the evil emperor zurg 迪士尼电影巨作玩具总动员里的巴斯光年将带您一起对抗邪恶的札克大王
This store is similar in look and feel to the buzz lightyear s astro blasters attraction located next door 位于游乐设施巴斯光年的星际历险旁,来到行星m彷佛来到巴斯光年的世界
Is a new attraction which opened on april 15, 2004 and features the space-suited character buzz lightyear from the disney pixar toy story film series 以迪士尼皮克斯动画玩具总动员系列的英雄人物巴斯光年为灵魂人物的射击式游乐设施。
When a flashy new space ranger named buzz lightyear enters the world of a pull-string cowboy named woody, it sparks an outrageously funny tiff between toys . now, woody s top spot in the heart of his young owner is in jeopardy . and soon so are the lives of woody and buzz 自从簇新的太空特警巴斯光年闯入由拉线牛仔胡迪领导的玩具世界后,不但令胡迪在小主人心中的位置不保,更引发出各种玩具之间一连串令人发噱的争执。