A survey of modern lexicographical research outside china 国外当代词典学研究述评
Terminology work - basic lexicographical terminology 术语工作辞书编纂基本术语
General lexicographical principles and methods 辞书编纂的一般原则与方法
Studies on expressions with opposite words order in san guo zhi and edition of lexicographical works 同素逆序词研究与辞书编纂
You can go right to the cited wordnet page to find the lexicographical definitions 可以在引用的wordnet页面上直接找到词典中的定义:
Being usable , concise and standard is the other three criteria for good lexicographical translation 其他三个标准为适用性、简明性和规范性。
Alphabetical ordering of multilingual terminological and lexicographical data represented in the latin alphabet 用拉丁字母系统表示的多语种术语和辞书资料字母排序规则
Section two is about some concepts and lemmas involved as follows . section three provides the mainly results on the spectral moment of bicycle graphs and its lexicographical order 第二部分我们给出了本论文所涉及的基本概念,研究了图的改变与谱矩序列排列之间的关系。
In addition , a counterexample is constructed to show that the characterization and the related results do not hold for the non - archimedean riesz space r # with the lexicographical ordering 同时构造一个反例说明,对于r ~ n按字典顺序做成的非阿基米德riesz空间的情形,这个刻画及相应结果并不成立。
The first two methods are very user - friendly for users of all english levels . the root analogy method groups the metaphors according to metaphorical patterns which , on the lexicographical evidence , are important to the cognition of english speakers 首两种检索方法简单易用,适合任何英语水平人士使用而基本类比搜寻则将隐喻以概念分类,有助并非以英语为母语的使用者对该等辞汇在层次上的概念加深认识,使其更能有效吸收英语辞汇。