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  • 例句与用法
  • A legatee should , within two months from the time he learns of the legacy , make known whether he accepts it or disclaims it
  • " what , " said the notary , " do you not intend making mademoiselle valentine de villefort your residuary legatee ?
    “什么! ”公证人说道, “您并不想立瓦朗蒂娜维尔福小姐做您的遗产继承人是吗? ”
  • Article 21 where there are obligations attached to testamentary succession or legacy , the successor or legatee shall perform them
  • Scrooge was his sole executor , his sole administrator , his sole assign , his sole residuary legatee , his sole friend and sole mourner
  • Article 32 an estate which is left with neither a successor nor a legatee shall belong to the state or , where the decedent was a member of an organization under collective ownership before his or her death , to such an organization
  • The law of new york relating to the probate of wills and the distributions of estates will not be construed so as to secure the benefit of a will to a legatee who has killed the testator in order to prevent a revocation of the will
  • As a legatee of the traditions of the 40s , hong kong cinema continued to produce fantasy martial arts pictures , melodramas and comedies . these genres remained the backbone of the industry . not a few were adapted from so - called airwave novels
  • As a legatee of the traditions of the 1940s , hong kong cinema in the 1950s continued to produce fantasy martial arts pictures , melodramas and comedies . these genres remained the mainstays of the industry . not a few were adapted from so - called airwave novels
  • As we re - entered the carriage , and i sat back feverish and fagged , i remembered what , in the hurry of events , dark and bright , i had wholly forgotten - the letter of my uncle , john eyre , to mrs . reed : his intention to adopt me and make me his legatee
  • 英文解释
  • someone to whom a legacy is bequeathed

  • 百科解释
A legatee, in the law of wills, is any individual or organization bequeathed any portion of a testator's estate.
  • 其他语种释义
  • legateeとは意味:{名} : 遺産受取人{いさん うけとりにん} -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 【発音】le`gэti':、【分節】leg?a?tee
  • 推荐英语阅读
legatee的中文翻译,legatee是什么意思,怎么用汉语翻译legatee,legatee的中文意思,legatee的中文legatee in Chineselegatee的中文legatee怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
