If you have any artistic leanings, this aspect helps your expression become more salable 如果你有任何的艺术倾向,这相位让你的表现变得更有出路。
Because of these assertive leanings, you can make an excellent salesperson, but you may have some problems with human relations 就是因为这些强势的倾向,让你可以是个出色的销售人士,但是你却在人际关系方面有问题。
It took a coalition of social democrats and greens, both with strong pacifist leanings, to send the bundeswehr into armed combat, thus breaking the post-war taboo 社民党和绿党有着强烈的和平主义共识,二者联手打破战后禁忌,让国防军参与武装冲突。
More realistically the unit was terminated because of managerial failure and the skeptical leanings of key individuals in the dia and cia chains of command 由于管理的失败,再加上情报局和中情局的一连窜指挥部门的主要个体的怀疑倾向,更多的实际单位被终止。
Despite her journalistic leanings, mitchell started writing songs at age 17 and eventually started performing them live during her school days, which were punctuated by a remarkable amount of traveling 暂且不论安娜斯?米切尔的记者情结,她从17岁起开始写歌,并最终在学生时期开始现场演出,但因其频繁的外出旅行,她的学生时期不得不提前结束。
I found an interesting phenomenon in today's advanced technological world . students of science and technology accept religion more readily perhaps because they have less complex outlook in life . students of literature and history, may have stronger intellectual leanings, often study religion as an intellectual pursuit 科技发达的今天,我观察到一个有趣的现象:学理工的人比较容易接受宗教,可能因为他们比较单纯但学文史的人可能有一种知识分子的习性,把宗教当学问来研究,反而不易接受宗教。