

  • 濒海战斗舰
  • 滨海战斗舰
  • 大容量存储器
  • 低接触应力
  • 近岸战斗舰
  • 近海战斗舰
  • 液晶光栅
  • 左冠状窦



  • 例句与用法
  • Leisure and cultural services department - public forms - lcs 25b
    康乐及文化事务署-公用表格- lcs 25b
  • Lcs : lower order connection supervision
  • Note : any changes on the event date above will be posted on the lcs newsletter and the school bulletin board at least one week ahead
  • Now that we know each other well , we think there is no point to continue to open lcs through a third bank to add to the cost
  • The new american lcs weighs about the same , but has only a third as many sailors in the crew , lots more automation and costs $ 250 million
    美国新型的lcs重量与之大体相当,但只有其三分之一的船员,更自动化,要价2 . 5亿美元。
  • This jpeg coding system is designed and simulated by quantursii software which is the fpga design tool of altera company . hole design need nearly 12600 lcs of cyclone device
    本设计采用altera公司的quartus软件设计和仿真,采用cyclone系列器件需要约12600个lc 。
  • After the lcs were negotiated , the fund was remitted back to the liquidated company s bank accounts 10 days later after a deduction of $ 2 . 7 million as commission money
  • At all public libraries or through the internet . alternatively , the cardholder may obtain a library form ( form no . lcs 696b ) at the rop offices and submit it through the drop - in box available there
    ,持证人亦可于人事登记办事处取得图书馆表格(表格编号lcs696b ) ,填妥后把表格投入设于人事登记办事处的收集箱。
  • Further enquiries indicated that the liquidated company had applied to 22 banks in hong kong between september 1993 and july 1998 for 157 lcs amounting to $ 2 . 9 billion in favour of the two companies owned by the three defendants in purchase of steel pipe
  • The court heard that the duo were the director of a trading company which reached two agreements with another company for merchandise transactions in november 2000 . two lcs for payment were applied in favour of the trading company for the transactions
  • 更多例句:  1  2
  • 其他语种释义
  • lcsとは意味

    LCS {略-1} : large capacity storage 大容量記憶装置{だいようりょう きおく そうち} --------------------------------------------------------...

  • 推荐英语阅读
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