- v. 过分给予,滥施( lavish的过去式和过去分词 )
- lavished on [网络] 慷慨地施予;滥施
- lavish upon 慷慨地施予
- lavisher n. lavish的变形
- lavish of,be 过度的,过分的;大量挥霍的
- lavishers lavisher ; n. ; lavish的变形 ; lavish ; ['l?vi?] ; adj. ; 过分慷慨的,大手大脚的,不吝惜的,浪费的,挥霍的 ; 充裕的,过多的,异常丰富的 ; vt. ; 滥花,滥用;挥霍,浪费;过分慷慨地给予: ; 滥花,滥用;挥霍,浪费;过分慷慨地给予: ; His wife lavished money upon household appliances. ; 他妻子在家用电器上的滥花钱。 ; 近义词: ; profuse
- lavish of lavish of,be ; 过度的,过分的;大量挥霍的: ; My uncle is never lavish of endearments. ; 我舅舅从不过分表示亲热。
- lavishes v. 过分给予,滥施( lavish的第三人称单数 )
- lavish in,be 不吝惜的,大方的,慷慨的(后常接动名词)
- lavishest adj. ; 过分慷慨的,大手大脚的,不吝惜的,浪费的,挥霍的 ; 充裕的,过多的,异常丰富的 ; vt. ; 滥花,滥用;挥霍,浪费;过分慷慨地给予: ; 滥花,滥用;挥霍,浪费;过分慷慨地给予: ; His wife lavished money upon household appliances. ; 他妻子在家用电器上的滥花钱。 ; 近义词: ; profuse
- lavish in lavish in,be ; 不吝惜的,大方的,慷慨的(后常接动名词): ; His father has decided to be lavish in having the house repaired. ; 他父亲决定不惜代价整修房子。
- Mrs.. hart is lavish in spending money .
哈特太太在用钱方面过于挥霍。 - lavish gifts were bestowed on the visitors .
向来宾赠送了厚礼。 - The thick sunlight was lavish on the bright water .
灿烂的阳光倾泻在明亮的水面。 - The nation could not afford frivolous and lavish promises .
国家不能轻易和过分地许诺。 - This store is famous for its lavish window-dressing .
这家商店以它的丰富的橱窗陈列而闻名。 - He is lavish of his presents .
他送礼很慷慨。 - I lavished all the warmth of my pent-up passion .
我把憋在心里那一股热烈的情感尽量地倾吐出来。 - My living arrangements were lavish but also a bit erratic .
我的住处布置得很考究,但也有不少毛病。 - It was a rich company and everything done on a lavish scale .
这是一家有钱的公司,干什么事都挺有派头。 - Her parents shot the works when she had her lavish wedding .