On the economic cooperation and prospect of kyrgyz habitation area 柯尔克孜族聚居区经济合作与发展前景
Study on pharmacognosy of wild glycyrrhizaaspera pall . from kyrgyz republic 吉尔吉斯斯坦野生粗毛甘草的生药学研究
Kyrgyz cultural variance and their interracial relations in the soviet period 苏维埃时期吉尔吉斯人的文化变迁和族际关系
Foreign ministry spokeswoman jiang yu s comment on kyrgyz political situation 外交部发言人姜瑜就吉尔吉斯斯坦通过新宪法答记者问
Language : kyrgyz is the official language , but about 30 % of the population speaks russian and 12 % speaks uzbek 语言:官方语言为吉尔吉斯语,但大约有30的人讲俄语, 12的人讲乌兹别克语。
This year iipa recommended that the bahamas , el salvador , estonia , georgia , the kyrgyz republic , slovakia and south africa be added to the watch list 基于此,现在,我,美国总统柯林顿,在美国宪法与法律授权之下,宣布公元二千年元月为国家生物技术月。
The products of those company have commercial networks all over the country , the chromatic all - purpose angle steel shelf and biochemical products - bilirubin are be sold to all over the world such as america , indonesia , vietnam , the kyrgyz republic etc 目前公司所属六家企业的产品在国内已形成网络化销售,网点遍及全国各大城市及部分中等城市,其中彩色万能角钢和生化产品胆红素已远销美国印尼越南吉尔吉斯斯坦等多个国家和地区。