On the management advantages of kyocera 论京瓷公司的管理优势
Analyses of the macroeconomic settings for the development of kyocera enterprise 京瓷企业发展的宏观经济环境分析
We also deal in the following branded crystal components : citizen , tokyodenpa , kyocera , murata , , kds , cspxo etc 兼代售其它品牌:西铁城、东京电波、京瓷、村田、 kds 、 spxo等石英晶体产品。
Kyocera ( tianjin ) sales & teading corporation is a joint venture company invested by kyocera group ( japan ) and tianjin yiqing group ( holding share ) co . , ltd ( china ) 京瓷(天津)商贸有限公司是京瓷株式会社(日本)与天津市一轻集团(控股)有限公司(中国)共同出资兴建。
Manufactures photovoltaic equipment and systems . also large scale distributor of other components for solar electric systems . kyocera is the worlds largest manufacturer of solar electric panels -从事太阳能光热利用技术产品开发生产,产品包括热水器真空管光电产品和品牌标配系统。
Being as a general distributor for kyocera product made in both in china and elsewhere , our company aims at providing world - class products and service in china market 本公司是一家综合性销售公司,负责统一销售京瓷集团在中国境内外关联企业的产品,旨在为中国市场提供世界一流水平的产品和服务。
The kyocera group ' s superior technologies support the rapid advancement of the electronics industry . kyocera company manufactures and sells electronic components & devices ; semiconductor ; fine ceramic components ; connector ; lcd etc 京瓷公司始终以卓越的技术支持电子产业的快速发展。京瓷公司生产并销售电子部品,半导体,精密陶瓷部品,连接器,液晶显示器等。
The company aims to generate annual sales of 5 billion to 8 billion yen 40 million to 70 million from solar cells once the factory ' s output reaches full annual capacity of 27 . 5 megawatts , enough to power about 8 , 000 households . honda will be competing with major solar cell manufacturers such as kyocera corp . 6971 , sharp corp . and mitsubishi electric corp . a honda spokeswoman did not say when the factory would hit full capacity and declined to disclose the size of the investment , which the nihon keizai business daily estimated would be just short of 10 billion yen 据路透社12月19日报道,本田汽车公司在一份声明中表示,他们将在九州岛熊本市的轿车工厂内再建立一座专门生产太阳能电池的工厂,一旦新工厂年产能达到预定的27 . 5兆瓦足够满足8000户家庭的日常电能需求的水平,每年就能从太阳能电池的销售中获得50亿日元到80亿日元4000万美元到7000万美元的收入。