In front of bhisma , drona and all the kings of the world and said , behold arjuna , all the assembled members of the kuru dynasty 在彼斯玛,冬那和所有的国王们面前,主说:看好了,阿诸那,库茹王朝的所有成员都集结在这儿了。
Then bhisma , the valiant grandsire of the kuru dynasty roaring like a lion , blew his conch shell very loudly for increasing duryodhana ' s cheerfulness 然后彼斯玛,库茹王朝伟大英勇的祖父,响亮地吹起了他的螺号,就像狮子在怒吼,使杜尧哈那欢腾雀跃。
If a drug could be made that inhibits this fragmentation process , it could substantially slow the spread of prions , which cause mad cow disease and scrapie in animals and , in rare cases , creutzfeldt - jacob disease and kuru in humans 药物可阻滞这些蛋白裂解片段过程,从而持久的减慢朊病毒传播,包括疯牛病和绵羊疯痒病和一些人类罕见疾病克-雅二氏病和库鲁病等疾病的传播。
" suppose that one were to exercise kingship , rule , & sovereignty over these sixteen great lands replete with the seven treasures , i . e . , over the angas , maghadans , kasis , kosalans , vajjians , mallas , cetis , vansans , kurus , pa ? calas , macchas , surasenas , assakas , avantis , gandharans , & kambojans : it would not be worth one - sixteenth of this uposatha endowed with eight factors “假定某人君临、统辖、坐镇充满七种宝藏的这十六个大国即,鸯伽国、摩竭陀国、迦尸国、拘萨罗国、拔只国、末罗国、支提国、盘沙国、拘楼国、般暗罗国、婆蹉国、苏罗西那国、阿梭迦国、阿般提国、键陀罗国、剑?沙国:如此仍不值这布萨八戒的十六分之一。
a progressive disease of the central nervous system marked by increasing lack of coordination and advancing to paralysis and death within a year of the appearance of symptoms; thought to have been transmitted by cannibalistic consumption of diseased brain tissue since the disease virtually disappeared when cannibalism was abandoned