Comments on kudo takashi ' s study of yunnan ' s ethnic folk culture 工藤隆的云南少数民族民俗文化研究述评
The anti - inflammatory effect of different parts of rabdosia excisus kudo 龟叶草不同部位抗炎作用的实验研究
What ' s the matter ? c ' mon , kudo 怎么了?快走,工藤。
But kudo jun transferred today 工藤纯今天转学走了
But kudo jun transferred today 工藤纯今天转学走了
Hosono , kudo , please stand 细野,工藤,起立
Dca on medicinal materials of three species of isodon kudo based on their uv spectra 三种香茶菜药材紫外光谱的除趋势对应分析
Rapd analysis of eight populations in plants of isodon schrad . ex benth . kudo from zhejiang province 低温胁迫对蓝萼香茶菜幼苗保护酶系统的影响
7 hada s , kudo m . xml access control language : provisional authorization for xml documents . 2000 , http : www . trl . ibm . com projects xml xacl . 8 godik s , moses t . extensible access control markup 2 language xacml version 1 . 0 然而,若用cschema ,策略书写员仅仅需要把受保护元素的类型改成一个保护类型,它的内嵌表达式为空运算,之后他的工作就完成了
New species : androthrips guiyangensis bamboosiella brevibristla dolichothrips apeventricosus dolichothrips longibristlus dolichothrips shaanensis dolichothrips henanensis dolichothrips flavescenus neoheegeria contractas neoheegeria anshunensis praepodothrips bicolorum praepodothrips longus praepadothrips scalariformus praepodothrips baotouensis podothrips triangularus stigmothrips cupuliformus xylaplothrips nanningensis xylaplothrips campanulatus , new records : bamboosiella exastis ( ananthakrishnan & kudo ) , haplothrips defractus schliephake et idimt haplothrips limisniastri priesnerhaplothrips tolerabilis priesne neoheegeria verbasci ( osborn ) praepodothrips cymbapogomi ananthakrishnan . at the end of the paper , some important information and figures were attached 中国新记录种:丽竹管蓟马bamboosiellaexastis ( ananthakrishnanetkudo ) 、支简管蓟马haplothripsdefractusschliephakeetidimt 、星补血草简管蓟马haplothripslimisniastripriesner 、平简管蓟马haplothripstolerabilispriesner 、毛蕊长吻管蓟马neoheegeriaverbasci ( osborn ) 、舟前肢管蓟马praepodothripscymbapogomiananthakrishnan 。
Kudō (工藤; Kudo, Kudoh, Kudou) is a Japanese family name.