The komitas house of chamber music , may 18 , 1999interviewer 一九九九年五月十六日于亚美尼亚旅馆
Letter of appreciation from director of komitas house of chamber music 柯米塔斯室内乐演奏厅厅长感谢函
Supreme master ching hai contributing us 30 , 000 to the komitas house of chamber music 清海无上师捐赠三万美元给柯米塔斯室内乐演奏厅。
Director of the komitas house of chamber music the komitas house of chamber music , may 18 , 1999 一九九九年五月十八日于柯米塔斯室内乐演奏厅
With the deepest respect of the staff of the yerevan chamber music hall of komitas and me personally , 谨此献上柯米塔斯室内乐演奏厅全体同仁和我本人的最深敬意。
Presenting mr . robert sahakian , director of the komitas house of chamber music , with us 30 , 000 from supreme master ching hai 将清海无上师捐赠的三万美元支票交给柯米塔斯室内乐演奏厅厅
The director of the komitas house of chamber music granted an interview with toma after the supreme master ching hai gave a lecture at the hall 清海无上师在柯米塔斯室内乐演奏厅讲经之后,其厅长接受了汤玛的采访。
Supreme master ching hai embraces the children , who , in traditional armenian style , welcomed her to her lecture at the komitas house of chamber music 清海无上师拥抱以亚美尼亚传统礼节欢迎她莅临柯米塔斯室内乐演奏听讲经的孩子们。
He lecture was presented at the komitas house of chamber music . the main auditorium and balcony were filled and the aisles held the overflow of the crowd 次讲经是在柯米塔斯室内乐演奏厅举行,楼下楼上都座无虚席,走道也挤满人潮。
The lecture was presented at the komitas house of chamber music . the main auditorium and balcony were filled and the aisles held the overflow of the crowd 次讲经是在柯米塔斯室内乐演奏厅举行,楼下楼上都座无虚席,走道也挤满人潮。