They spoke of it as though it had been the funeral of a near but unloved kinsman . 他们说起这个来,仿佛是参加了一个对死者毫无感情的近亲的葬礼。
On this basis an understanding was easily arrived at, and for several years catherine fraternized with her young kinsmen . 在这个基础上,他们很容易地达成了谅解,几年来,凯瑟琳与这些小弟兄们算是情同手足了。
Your kinsmen may have no need to ride to war 你那些同胞可不必骑马去作战
Kinsman helps kinsman , but woe to him that hath nothing 亲帮亲,邻帮邻,无亲无助你倒霉。
My kinsmen have gone away ; my friends have forgotten me 14我的亲戚与我断绝。我的密友都忘记我。
Is dat the gentleman - kinsman who ll make sissy a lady “要让姐姐做贵夫人的就是那个绅士亲戚吗? ”
The clan the chu imperial kinsmen belonged to 论楚王族的族属
The bride ' s kinsman gathered to make preparations for the wedding 新娘的男亲属们聚集在一起为婚礼做准备。
And naomi said to her , the man is close to us ; he is one of our kinsmen 拿俄米又说,那人与我们相近,是我们的亲人。