There must be no kinks in the detonating fuse . 引爆线中不应有扭曲和打结现象。
The reason for this is that the analysis takes no account of kinking of reinforcement . 其理由是分析中没有考虑钢筋的纽结。
They may be straight or curved, but not in sharply kinked configurations . 它们可以是直的或弯的,但不呈现纠缠在一起的外形。
The stainless tubing is less likely to kink than copper, but it is harder to solder without an acid treatment . 不锈钢管比铜管不易纠结,但不经酸性处理焊接较困难。
Tilting, warping, and changes in elevation can seriously affect canals and shoreline facilities of various kinks . 倾斜、翘曲和高程变化可以严重地影响水渠和各种岸边设备。
The leads from the model are most easily made of plastic tubing, which has little tendency to kink or leak and has good bending qualities . 做为从模型引出的导管以塑料管为最方便,用塑料管不会纠结和漏气而且弯曲性能好。
He ' s got a few kinks in his personality , if you ask me 我认为他的个性有些怪僻
So that i can massage the kinks out of our testimony 我要把我们证词中的结都理顺
So that i can massage the kinks out of our testimony 我要把我们证词中的结都理顺
Unbalanced yarns have sufficient twist to kink 卷缩的纱线捻度过高会产生扭结。