Molly drawing on the frosted carriagepane at kingstown 他出生的那所房子用纪念牌装饰起来。
Kingstown pier , sir . some laughed again : mirthless but with meaning 有些人又笑了,不畅快,却别有用意。
Leaning on it he looked down on the water and on the mailboat clearing the harbour mouth of kingstown 他倚着胸墙,俯瞰水面和正在驶出国王镇15港口的邮轮。
North kingstown historian tim cranston said the two men were part of a civilian army hired to build two military bases in the area 北金斯敦历史学家提姆克兰斯敦表示,那两名木匠是被雇佣来建造两座军事基地的。
North kingstown historian tim cranston said the two men were part of a civilian army hired to build two military bases in the area 北金斯敦历史学家提姆?克兰斯敦表示,那两名木匠是被雇佣来建造两座军事基地的。
Their likes : their breaths , too , sweetened with tea and jam , their bracelets tittering in the struggle . - kingstown pier , stephen said 跟他们类似的人,她们的呼吸也给红茶果酱弄得甜丝丝的,扭动时,她们腕上的镯子在窃笑着。
Molly drawing on the frosted carriagepane at kingstown . what s that like ? gaudy dollwomen loll in the lighted doorways , in window embrasures , smoking birdseye cigarettes 衣着花哨像玩偶般的女人懒洋洋地靠在灯光明亮的门口或漏斗状窗口,吸着鸟眼纹理烟卷77 。
North kingstown historian tim cranston said the two men werepartof a civilian army hired to build two military bases in thearea . much of what they built is now gone 北金斯敦历史学家提姆?克兰斯敦表示,那两名木匠是被雇佣来建造两座军事基地的。他们修建的大部分建筑现在都被拆毁了。
North kingstown , r . i . - a message in a bottle found after being hidden in a wall at quonset naval air station for more than 60 years came with a question its authors knew could n ' t be answered unless their makeshift time capsule was discovered 近日,美国匡西特海军机场的一座墙内发现了一只深埋了60年的瓶子。瓶中装有一张卡片,卡片上写下了一个问题。提出问题的人知道,瓶子被发现的那一天就是问题得到答案的时候。
Arranged successively in ascending powers of hierarchical order , that of gardener , groundsman , cultivator , breeder , and at the zenith of his career , resident magistrate or justice of the peace with a family crest and coat of arms and appropriate classical motto semper paratus , duly recorded in the court directory bloom , leopold p . , m . p . , p . c . , k . p . , l . l . d . honoris cause , bloomville , dundrum and mentioned in court and fashionable intelligence mr and mrs leopold bloom have left kingstown for england 按照越往上权利越大的等级制度顺序,他曾经是园丁庄稼人耕作者牲畜繁殖家仕途的高峰是地方长官或治安推事。他拥有家徽和盾形纹章以及与之相称的拉丁文家训时刻准备着,他的名字正式记载于宫廷人名录252中布卢姆,利奥波德保,下院议员,枢密顾问官,圣巴特里克勋级爵士253 ,名誉法学博士。