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用"kiangsi"造句"kiangsi"怎么读"kiangsi" in a sentence


  • 江西


  • This conference prepared the way for the establishment of the soviet power in kiangsi .
  • From june 1932 to february 1933 he put half a million men into the field against kiangsi .
  • The journey of the kiangsi reds thus far had provided them with much food for reflection .
  • We are not clear about the situation in chekiang , but the party ' s organizational and mass base is somewhat better in kiangsi and fukien than in hunan
  • Geology of the liaoshui valley , kiangsi . bull . geol . surv . kiangsi , no . 2 , pp . 65 84 , 19 figs . , 1 map , 2 pls . , taiho , kiangsi
    江西潦水流域地质.江西省地质调查所汇刊,第二号, 65 84 ,附插图19 ,地质图1 ,照片图版2 .江西泰和. (与钟泳汉合著)
  • When smashing the enemy ' s first , second and fourth campaigns of " encircle ment and suppression " in kiangsi , we were able to handle him con fidently and without haste
  • Geology of the chungjen - ihuang area . bull . geol . surv . kiangsi . no . 4 . pp . 71 134 , frontipiece , 29 figs . , 2 maps , taibo , kiangsi
    崇仁宜黄间地质矿产.江西省地质调查所汇刊,第四号,中文71 128 ,英文129 134 .附文前插图1 ,文内插图29 ,地质图2 ,照片图版2 ,江西泰和
  • There are altogether 1 , 423 co - operatives of various kinds , with a total capital of over 300 , 000 yuan , according to the september 1933 figures for seventeen counties in kiangsi and pukien
  • In chapter i , i analyze the general trends of social and economic changes taking place in the sixteenth century and conclude the chapter with a detailed discussion of the rapid growth of commodity economy in fukien and kiangsi
  • But during the fifth counter - campaign in kiangsi , our army gave no consideration whatsoever to retreat , because it did not take account of either the partial or the total situation , and this was really rash and foolhardy conduct
    江西第五次反“围剿” ,我军全然不讲退却,原因在于对局部形势和整个形势都不注意,实在是一种鲁莽灭裂的干法。
  • 更多例句:  1  2


  • kiangsi 意味
  • kiangsiとは意味{地名} : 江西、江西省、チァンシー、こうせい◆中国の省。南は福建?広東、東は浙江?安徽、西は湖南省。省都は南昌
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