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用"kem"造句"kem"怎么读"kem" in a sentence


  • 凯姆
  • 千周波电磁法勘探
  • 知识工程管理


  • R . d taking the customer as guiding , product taking the quality as guiding and sell taking the market as guiding is the manage idea and develop guide of kem
  • The product choosing kem not only the general that us , you get being height mass ' s , will gain more r . d getting rich supporting the buddy who works together be worth trusting most as well as high grade , rapid service , let us become you
  • To realize the research purpose of the system , this paper take full advantage of some advanced technology . product structure and configuration management related to design and manufacture is the foundation of the system ; the modularized design of the product and the standardization and versatility of the components are the premise of the customer - oriented product custom ; the transform of product modal from custom product to product structure and configuration management asks for the help of the thought and method of the quality function deployment ( qfd ) . the widest customer - oriented form is internet technology , and its kem is dynamic web service
    为了实现系统的研究目的,充分利用了当前一些先进的技术:与设计和制造相关的产品结构与配置管理是本系统的基础;产品设计的模块化以及零部件的标准化和通用化是面向客户的产品定制的前提;客户定制产品构型与产品结构与配置管理当中的产品构型之间的转换,借助了质量功能配置( qfd )的思想和方法;面向客户的最广泛的形式是internet技术,其核心是动态web服务器。
  • Shenzhen kem electronics co . ltd is located in china reformation most a forward position shenzhen , shenxhen kem is high - tech enterprise which specializes in research and development , production and marketing of complete concentrate efforts on electric power automating to monitor meters , electric power measuring meters and protecting the device developing


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