The nobel prize in chemistry : kary banks mullis 诺贝尔化学奖-凯利穆理斯
Artist name : ng , kary 艺人名称:吴雨霏
Female artist ng , kary 女艺人吴雨霏
The rest of the cast are mainly new pop singers including ella koon , kary ng , emma wong and yan ng 相对来说由于台前幕后皆欠具份量之辈压阵影片对于一种影迷的吸引力不免打了折扣。
The rest of the amateurs like gaile lok , ella koon and kary ng are all totally inexperienced . they simply rely on their charisma instead of any acting skill to impress the audience 其馀一众新人都很努力表现自己但目前来说都只是停留在做戏的阶段还未感受到那一个真的知道演技为何物。