Narrated by sister initiate jui - lien hung , toronto , canada 加拿大多伦多洪菊莲师姊口述
First bid the bid was awarded to : jui feng contractor co . , ltd 第一标:得标厂商:瑞锋营造有限公司
Ms . ku jui - lan takes over as head of the center s liaison division 编纂辜瑞兰女士接任本中心联络组组长。
Ou , chia - jui director general 处长欧嘉瑞谨识
Disciple jui khin yeo is completing a book in chinese , the blessing light of medicine guru buddha 弟子杨惟钦正在完成一本名为《药师佛恩光》的中文书。
Disciple yeo jui khin wrote a chinese essay on reflections on reading my poem , " mind as cemetery . 弟子杨惟钦写了一篇读我心如坟场一诗有感的中文作品。
Accfast technology vice president hsu jui - chi worked for 18 years in the cpu design departments of us companies such as intel and dec 至2002年2月,公司资本额为二亿二千万新台币,而员工人数目前约为50人。
Disciple jui khin yeo of kuching , sarawak , malaysia came up with such a ritual for making prostration to the twelve great vows of medicine guru buddha 马来西亚,砂捞越,古晋的弟子杨惟钦提供了一个向药师佛十二大愿礼拜的仪轨。
Disciple jui khin sent me the sitatapatrawh . jpg file that shows the mantra wheel of the protectress the great white umbrella as drawn by patriarch nona 弟子惟钦传给我一张由诺那祖师所亲画大白伞盖女护法咒语的大白伞盖图像档案。
The director s work cannot be called a film ; it is a mere serial photo story that we find in many magazines " , pai ching - jui , critics at cannes trash 他导演这部影片,不能称为电影,仅仅是等于我们许多杂志刊印的照片连续故事而已。