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  • joint photographic experts group graphics format


  • Chapter two focuses on the embedded linux , going deep into it ’ s structure and analyzing the real - time problem in constructing such a system . usb is discussed in chapter three , where the implementation of usb protocol and development of the printer class usb driver in linux o / s are described . in chapter four , cups ( common unix printing system ) is introduced and how to construct printing system is analyzed . the kernel of the printer driver under embedded linux is implemented with the aid of apdk from hp
    第三章讲述usb在linux下的实现问题和usb中打印机设备类驱动程序的开发;第四章首先介绍通用unix打印系统( commonunixprintingsystem ) ,分析在linux平台下如何建立打印系统;再对惠普apdk嵌入式打印机驱动程序开发包进行分析,实现嵌入式linux下打印机核心驱动程序;最后介绍jpeg图象格式到光栅数据格式转换的过滤器的设计。
  • The algorithm of sequencable mark and description of the object for crack automatic identification is presented by means of pre - image process . on basis of visual c + + 6 . 0 developing environment , the software function of controlling of magnetic partical testing engine and the stepping - motor is realized in c + + and mfc with objected programming method . the automatic system of the camshaft of small diesel engines automatic magnetic partical testing is realized , which is the predicted goal that we would achieve
    用计算机控制磁粉探伤机和步进电机的工作;解决了jpeg图象格式在windows系统中visualc + +编程环境下的压缩转换、显示和处理的问题;结合数字图象的预处理,提出了通过图象分析自动识别裂纹的顺序目标标记与描述算法;基于visualc + + 6 . 0开发环境,用c + +语言和mfc类库,采用面向对象的程序设计方法,用软件实现了对磁粉探伤机和步进电机等硬件系统的自动控制功能;实现了柴油机凸轮轴荧光磁粉探伤系统的自动化,达到了预期的目标。
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