She was glad that joanna was going way . 乔安娜要走了,这使她很开心。
Joanna knew well how to ride horseback . 乔安娜很会骑马。
Joanna bade her father good-bye and set off to make her fortune . 乔安娜同父亲告别后,就动身自谋生路去了。
Joanna let go of the deer, and it bounded off between the trees . 乔安娜放走了小鹿,小鹿在树间跳跃着跑开了。
Joanna had not noticed that she still had the old sack that her stepmother had given her . 乔安娜没有注意她仍然带着她继母给她的那个旧袋子。
Joanna bent to look down, and as she did so a head rose from the water and spoke to her . 乔安娜弯腰往下瞧,这时一个脑袋冒出水面,并且对她讲话。
Joanna went on her way singing, and it seemed as if her voice was lovelier than that of a bird . 乔安娜继续赶路,边走边唱歌。她的歌喉好象赛过了百灵鸟。
Joanna sat down beside him on the green bank and shared her crusts and her bottle with him . 乔安娜在路边绿草如茵的土坎上挨着老头儿坐下来,和他一起吃干面包片,喝啤酒。
At last joanna was so unhappy that she asked her father if she might go out into the world and seek her fortune . 最后乔安娜十分不愉快,便问父亲她是否可以到世界上去另寻出路。
So joanna sat down beside the well and took the head gently in her lap, and she thought that a look of gratitude came over the face . 乔安娜在井边坐下来,把那个头轻放在膝上,发觉到有种感激的表情掠过它的脸。