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用"jhering"造句"jhering"怎么读"jhering" in a sentence


  • 耶林


  • The doctrine of contracting fault has deeply influenced the continental law system as well as anglo - american law system since the doctrine was created in 1861 by a famous german jurist , jhering
  • The theory of contracting liability for negligence , tracing back to roman laws , was first elaborated systematically by jhering , a german . it has been developed rapidly and adopted by the mainland law system , british and american law system and the unified law in international commercial affairs since 20th century
  • The theory of fault in the process of contacting and negotiation for contract was mentioned by germen jurits rudolf vou jhering in 1861 . its meaning is when one party ' s civil wrong broke the statutory duty of reasonable care arisen from the principle of good faith , during the process of contacting and negotiation for contract , and cause other party ' s interests or reliance interest damages , the former must compensate for the later ' s loss . statutory obligation for fault in the process of contacting and negotiation for contract is different from that for breach of contract and that for tortuous acts
  • Since jhering raised the theory of contracting fault liability , the countries in continental law system has generally established the theory of contracting fault liability in legislations or judicial precedents , which also affects the anglo - american law system and the uniform of legislation in international commerce . contract law in our country has accordingly stipulated as well
  • The liability for wrongs in conclusion of contracts is a modern form of liability that was brought forth by jhering , a famous german jurist . after studied theoretically for many years , it was affirmed by law of contract as the basic law at last . although there are some disputes over the certain questions about it in theoretical circle , it is still a great advance in our country ' s legislation


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