jeopardizer vt. ; 使处于危险境地;危及,危害: ; His foolish behaviour may jeopardize his whole future. ; 他的愚蠢行为可能会危及他的整个前途。 ; He jeopardized his life to save the drowning child. ; 他冒着生命危险挽救那个快要淹死的孩子。 ; 变形: ; vt. ; jeopardize,jeopardized ; . jeopardize,jeopardizing;-ised ; . jeopardize,jeopardising
jeopardying n. ; 危难,危险 ; 【法律】被判有罪的危险处境;(刑事案件中被告的)危险处境 ; 变形: ; n. ; jeopardies
Such work is too important to be jeopardized in any way . 这项任务太重要了,无论如何不能砸锅。
It was so elliptical that existing relationships on both sides were not jeopardized . 如此圆润周到,以致双方现存的关系都没有受到妨碍。
The occasional failed project or neglected opportunity does not jeopardized overall progress . 偶然失败的项目或失误的机会并没有影响总的进展。
We could not now jeopardize relations with europe and japan, tempt an oil embargo . 现在不能再损害我们同欧洲和日本的关系了,不能去触发一场石油禁运。
Plans may also become inefficient in the attainment of objectives by jeopardizing group satisfactions . 用危及群体利益方法去达到目标的计划,也是无效率的。
I rejected the formulation, saying that it jeopardized the entire relationship because american public opinion would never stand for it . 我拒绝了这个方案,我说这会破坏整个关系,因为美国的公众舆论决不会答应的。
By the spring of 1969 nixon became convinced that the leaks of military operations and sensitive negotiations were jeopardizing american lives . 到一九六九年春,尼克松确信,泄露出去的有关军事行动和敏感谈判的情报正在危及美国人的生命。
All these efforts would be jeopardized if the impression grew that our government was on the run and its discipline was disintegrating . 如果其他国家感到我国政府是在疲于应付局面,政府的组织纪律日益涣散,那么所有这些努力都将遭受挫折。
There are certain circumstances which call for indirectness —such as a controller's wishing to alert a division manager to a problem without undercutting him or jeopardizing their future relationship . 有些特定的情况要求委婉含蓄例如一位管理员希望提醒一位分部经理注意某问题,而又不挖他的墙角或危害他们未来的关系。