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用"jeffries"造句"jeffries"怎么读"jeffries" in a sentence


  • 杰弗里斯


  • " by ron jeffries for some of his thoughts on xp thinking
  • Jeffries , john . wartime america : the world war ii home front . 1996
    《战时的美国:二次大战时的大后方》 1996
  • What ' s up , my home pickle ? aiexander t jeffries in the heezy
  • Ron jeffries covered this in an article and he didn t even know it
    Ron jeffries在一篇文章中讲述这一问题,而他对它甚至不了解。
  • For more on testing views , refer to my article on the liar view bug pattern or read
    (想更多了解测试视图,请参阅我关于liar view错误模式的文章或jeffries等人的
  • On the bench : nate robinson , radmanovic , renaldo blackman , fred jones , jared jeffries , jerome james and randolph morris
  • When deciding what to test , jeffries says , " pick the smallest increment of new capability you can think of . " this is good advice
    在确定要测试的内容后, jeffries说, “选择您能想到的所增加的最少的新功能。 ”这是个好建议。
  • Cockburn made the observation that implementation of xp ( at least as beck and jeffries define it ) requires three key environmental features : inexpensive inter - face changes , close communications , and automated regression testing
    快速发布.快速修改.频繁变更.通过这三者的驱动,加上更好的软件工具,迫使我们重新思考传统的软件工程实践- - - -并不是放弃它们,而是对其重新加以思考。
  • He had that rather wild , strained , seared marking about the eyes , which may be observed in all free livers of his class , from the portrait of jeffries downward , and which can be traced , under various disguises of art , through the portraits of every drinking age


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