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用"jardin"造句"jardin"怎么读"jardin" in a sentence


  • 哈尔丁
  • 花园
  • 雅尔丹


  • Suite 1418 , jardin house , 1 connaught palce
    中环康乐广场1号怡和大厦41楼4118 - 19室
  • Now we left the jardin de generalife , and went to the city center of granada
  • Now we left the palace , and were going to visit a big garden ” jardin de generalife ” in la alhambra
  • Affectionately , and rather poetically , the specialists call the numerous crystal inclusions , cracks or fissures which are typical of this gemstone jardin
  • The french restaurant le jardin is surrounded by glass on all four sides and creates a bright , light - filled space . authentic french cuisine is offered at reasonable prices
    馆内的法国餐厅lejardin ,是全部玻璃构造的明亮空间,适中的价格可以品尝到真正的法国菜。
  • But for the very reason that the emerald has such a stormy past , it is surely entitled to show it - that is , as long as only a fine jardin is to be seen , and not a rank garden which spoils both colour and transparency
  • Take the kcr east rail to sha tin station . leave the station through the northern exit and head towards the direction of pai tau village . then take green minibus ( travel route no . 69k ) . the ride lasts for some 20 minutes and terminates next to the villa de jardin
  • The second was the man s conventional abode , or rather sleeping - place ; it contained a few poor articles of household furniture - a bed , a table , two chairs , a stone pitcher - and some dry herbs , hung up to the ceiling , which the count recognized as sweet pease , and of which the good man was preserving the seeds ; he had labelled them with as much care as if he had been master botanist in the jardin des plantes



Jardín is a town in Antioquia, Colombia. It has a population of about 17,000 people.
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