Call yourself a religious woman ? if you re a religious woman , give me a irreligious one 你要是也算得上虔诚的女人,那就我一个不虔诚的给我看看!
You think me , i daresay , an irreligious dog : but my heart swells with gratitude to the beneficent god of this earth just now 我想,你以为我是一条不敬神的狗吧,可是这会儿我对世间仁慈的上帝满怀感激之情。
He had never believed in the divine . he had always been irreligious , scoffing good - naturedly at the sky - pilots and their immortality of the soul 他一向不信宗教,对于引人进入天国的人和他们的灵魂不问一向心平气和地嗤之以鼻。
" tom , if it ain t unregular and irreligious to sejest it , " i says , " there s an old rusty saw - blade around yonder sticking under the weather - boarding behind the smoke - house . “汤姆,也许我这么说有点儿不合规矩,犯忌讳, ”我说。 “在那个熏肉房后边防雨板下面,有一根长了锈的锯条哩。 ”
In this monastery , there were 99 households , many of which were known for their wild and irreligious ways . only the selsha household was exceptional , in that , its members were known to be generous and inclined towards the dharma 詹佛寺管辖九十九户,其中潇洒户的人们特别倾向佛法,他们素以乐善好施体格魁梧和家产富裕见称,可是其他各户却对宗教信仰冷淡,态度横蛮。
Every lingering struggle in his favour grew fainter and fainter ; and in farther justification of mr . darcy , she could not but allow that mr . bingley , when questioned by jane , had long ago asserted his blamelessness in the affair ; that , proud and repulsive as were his manners , she had never , in the whole course of their acquaintance - an acquaintance which had latterly brought them much together , and given her a sort of intimacy with his ways - seen any thing that betrayed him to be unprincipled or unjust - any thing that spoke him of irreligious or immoral habits 尽管达西的态度傲慢可厌,可是从他们认识以来特别是最近他们时常见面,她对他的行为作风更加熟悉她从来没有见过他有什么品行不端或是蛮不讲理的地方,没有看见过他有任何违反教义或是伤风败俗的恶习他的亲友们都很尊敬他,器重他,连韦翰也承认他不愧为一个好哥哥,她还常常听到达西爱抚备至地说起他自己的妹妹,这说明他还是具有亲切的情感。
hostile or indifferent to religion
irreligiousとは意味:{形} : 無宗教{むしゅうきょう}の、神を敬わない、不信仰{ふ しんこう}の◆religious(宗教的な)に否定を表す接頭辞 ir- がついた形容詞。宗教的なことをあえて否定する様子を表す。irreligious な思想を持つ人を指す語として、atheist(無神論者)や agnostic(不可知論者(神性の認識は不可能だと唱える人))がある。 He is so irreligious tha...