All elements of the organic whole were integrally linked as expressions of an irreducible essence . 有机整体的一切要素作为不能化简的本质而结成一体。
In group theory they are the so-called irreducible representations of the point group considered, a name that some authors prefer . 在群论中,它们是所谓的点群的不可约表象,这是一些文献作者喜欢使用的名词。
Irreducible modules of generalized virasoro - toroidal lie algebra 李代数不可约模
Then diversity becomes life ' s one irreducible fact 多样性就成为了生物不可缺少的要素
Then diversity becomes life ' s one irreducible fact 多样性就成为了生物不可缺少的要素
Irreducible linear permutations and their counting 不可约线性置换及其计数
Irreducible representation of the odd - degree complex clifford algebra 代数的不可约表示
Generalized perron complements of nonnegative and irreducible matrices 分形谱系模型与方法
The quality of groups with two irreducible character degrees 具有两个不可约特征标级数的群的性质
Irreducible representations of quantum group vq sl 的不可约表示