The iridocyclitis resolved after treatment with dapsone , corticosteroids and mydriatics 本文亦回顾以前文献,提供参考。
A 58 - year - old chinese male patient presented lepromatous iridocyclitis in his left eye , evidenced by numerous acid - fast organisms found by anterior chamber paracentesis 眼前房水穿刺检查发现嗜酸性麻疯杆菌存在,特提出报告。
Pathologically , the predominant changes were retinal detachment , iridocyclitis , and pars planitis , followed by optic nerve papillitis and superficial infarcts , as observed in one of three infected mice per group at 56 , 140 , and 168 dpi , respectively 幼虫入侵眼部所造成的主要病变是视网膜拨离、虹膜睫状体炎、视神经乳头炎和浅层梗塞。
inflammation of the iris and ciliary body of the eye