I looked at one of the guides interrogatively . 我疑问地看着一位向导。
He whined interrogatively and my father patted his head . 他疑惑地呜呜了几声,父亲拍了拍他的头。
Isnt that friendship now ? said the count interrogatively 伯爵用疑问的口气说道。
Mr linton will be sorry ? observed kenneth , interrogatively 肯尼兹带着询问的口吻说。
The pavlograd hussars ? he was saying interrogatively 他疑惑地说。
I think i may ? he said interrogatively 我想,是可以的吧? ”
Added catherine interrogatively 凯瑟琳又问。
The king of prussia , ippolit said interrogatively , and again he laughed and again settled himself placidly and seriously in the depths of his big , low chair 伊波利特问道,又笑了起来,又心平气和地严肃地坐在自己的安乐椅中。
Princess marya could not understand them ; but she tried to guess what he was saying , and repeated interrogatively the words she supposed him to be uttering 玛丽亚公爵小姐听不懂她力图猜出他在说什么,并且疑问地重复他发出的声音。
His large , shining , masculine eyes were so close to her eyes , that she could see nothing but those eyes . natalie ? his voice whispered interrogatively , and her hands were squeezed till it hurt 他那闪闪发亮的男人的大眼睛离她的眼睛太近了,使她简直看不见什么,她所看见的只是这一对眼睛。