The causes of them include non - linguistic interference , negative intralingual and interlingual transfer 导致失误的原因有:非语言因素干扰、语内负迁移及语际负迁移。
Interlingual critic and interlingual theorist in age of globalization - who can criticize liu ruoyu and his readers about comparative literature 谁来评判刘若愚及其比较文学研究读本
But because of lingual and cultural differences , interlingual translation is sometimes inadequate and even impossible 但由于语言结构及文化上的差异,有时又不完全可译,甚至是不可译的。
Computers can perform certain very simple interlingual task , providing there is sufficient pre - editing and post - editing 计算机确实可以做一些非常简单的语际转换工作,条件是事前和时候都要进行大量的编辑。
Legal translation is a double operation consisting of both legal and interlingual transfer , with the legal aspect constituting the principal part of the work 摘要法律翻译不仅仅是语际转换工作,它同时?及不同法律制度之下的法律概念所产生的结构性差异,故而同时也是一种法律转换的工作。
Having typical chinese cultural features and playing an indispensable role in interlingual and cross - cultural communication , china english exhibits enormous potentialities and great vitalities in its development 由于其独具的中国文化特色和在中外文化交流中不可取代的重要作用,中国英语呈现出无限的发展潜力和勃勃生机。
Some pedagogical methods are therefore proposed , such as emphasizing phonetic rules in memorizing new words ; accumulating more words in accordance to word formation rules ; enhancing the input of authentic english to reduce the negative effect of interlingual transfer ; teaching learners to lead them to collocate words consciously ; comparing the differences between mother tongue and target language 同时提出了解决词汇误用问题的教学策略:加强语音教学,重视发音规则的传授;加强构词法教学,注意符合规则词汇的归纳积累;增加地道英文输入,降低语际负迁移的影响;传授搭配知识,引导学生自主学习词汇搭配;通过语言对比进行词汇教学。
In terms of the relationship of a symbols three modes of being , this paper analyzes the relationship among three types of translation : intralingual translation , interlingual translation , intersemiotic translation , and then puts forward several modes of translation equivalence as well as the steps to achieve equivalence 由符号的三种存在性之间的关系,分析了语内翻译、语际翻译、符际翻译之间的关系;并在符号学的大前提下提出了几种具体的翻译对等模式以及达到对等的步骤。