The vascular cambium extends to form a complete ring of meristematic tissue around the stem , the separate vascular bundles being linked by interfascicular cambium 维管形成层向两侧延伸直至形成一个茎内的分生组织环,各个维管束被束间形成层联系在一起。
When they treated mice with mycobacterium accae they found that it did indeed actiate a particular group of brain neurons that produce serotonin - in the interfascicular part of the dorsal raphe nucleus ( dri ) of the mice , to be precise 在用牝牛分枝杆菌处理小鼠后,他们发现这种细菌确实能够刺激一类能产生5 -羟色胺的特殊神经元,更准确的说是位于小鼠中缝背核束间。