Any interchange will be governed by the conservation of energy . 任何交换过程都要服从能量守恒。
There is much interchange of foods between different regions . 在各个地区间食物能得以广泛地交流。
For identical data difference interchange coefficients will be obtained . 对同一数据来说,将得到了不同的交换系数。
The discussion went over the ground already covered in the interchange of telegrams . 讨论转入往来电报中所涉及的问题。
He wants to share a meal or some other human interchange in a relaxed way . 他想轻松自然地与人共同进餐或进行其他某种人际交往。
The complex is one of the largest and busiest interchanges in the state of illinois . 它是伊利诺斯州最大和最繁忙的立体枢纽之一。
The modification required is to interchange the offending column with a suitable column to the right . 需要调整的是把这引起麻烦的一列与其右边适当一列交换。
Ada and i interchanged looks, and as we were going out in any case we accepted the offer . 婀达和我交换了眼色,由于我们本来就打算出去走走,所以就接受了这个邀请。
As opposed to gas-liquid systems, there is an interchange of gas between bubble and continuous phase in fluidized beds . 与气-液系统不同的是,在流化床中气泡和连续相之间有气体交换。