Dphc uses auto - transfer to imply dependability and chooses interceder by the name of source Dphc算法是一种采用自动迁移容错的、根据资源选择仲裁者的互斥算法。
Because it distributes interceders of different source to each node in system , lets each interceder work as controlling node in centralizing control arithmetic , it has message number of centralizing control arithmetic and load equilibrium of distributed arithmetic . characteristic of auto - transfer brings dependability of distributed arithmetic , because while a node has down , other nodes ’ requests that had been sent to it can send to other nodes by producing new interceder 该算法将不同锁对象(共享资源)的仲裁者分布到了系统中的各个节点,让每个仲裁者都像集中式算法中的控制者一样的工作,因此,该算法具有集中式算法的消息量和分布式算法的负载均衡。