Pep talks were for the rank-and-file, and intellectuals believed themselves immune from inspirational speeches . 鼓励话对普通老百姓是起作用的,而对知识分子来说却大可不必。
An inspirational leader, he seemed to typify britain's courage and perseverance in adversity and its conservatism in success . 一个鼓舞人的领袖,他似乎表现出英国在逆境中勇敢、坚忍与保守主义成功的特色。
It ' s an inspirational book . - lee , what about you 有灵感的书-黎,你怎么样?
- it ' s an inspirational book . - lee , what about you -有灵感的书-黎,你怎么样?
That ' s inspirational . you ' re a fortunate man 听你一席话,真是受益良多.你是个幸运的人
Fostering university students ' inspirational thinking : a preliminary study 大学生灵感思维培养探析
He had made an inspirational point "他已经作带有灵感的点。
Below is a report from a disciple about his inspirational dream 以下的报告是来自一弟子有关他的感应梦。