

  • 不可分割性
  • 不可分离性
  • 不可分性



  • 例句与用法
  • One way of overcoming the inseparability factor is the use of bank credit cards, whereby the service is transferable .
  • In the case of capital limit , the inseparability of human capital increases agency cost while the absence of capital market efficiency decreases it
  • He had unique ideas on the inseparability of ideology and language , the application of writings in vernacular , the understanding of figures of speech and the proper arrangement of words and expressions
    他对思想和语言的这密不可分、对白话文的运用(尤其是中西白话、文言比较) 、对理解修辞、对恰当安排字句等均有独到的见解。
  • At the preface part , the author discusses the complexity and diversity of joint act of tort including the subject diversity , and identification of behavior and effect , inseparability of liability
  • It is characterized by such features as value - superiority , emulation - proof , inseparability , and effect - flowover , dynamic development etc . diversification is an idea and model of corporation development . fostering core competence does not mean corporation only concentrate on operation of a special industry
  • The entry mode of the service multinationals differs from the manufacturing multinationals because of the inseparability between the production and consumption . there are only four entry modes : internalization - greenfield , internalization - m & a , licensing and international joint ventures
  • This thesis will probe the property of non - locality from the following fields : inseparability criterion of quantum states , purification or distillation of entanglement , local distinguishability of orthogonal quantum states , and the relations among information entropy , distillable entanglement and local distinguishability of orthogonal states
  • This study is to present the process of a high - level customer contact companies setting up the strategy of customer satisfaction . for service industry companies , setting up and implementing the strategy is very important and complex considering the intangible nature , the inseparability of production and consumption , the perishability and changeability of service
  • But the service characteristics of intangibility , heterogeneity , inseparability , non - perish ability and the consumer ’ s participation bring different modes of the service internationalization . on the base of likewise and clark ’ s classification of international service , this article wants to find the suitable modes for each of these services ’ internationalization
  • 更多例句:  1  2
  • 百科解释
Inseparability is used in marketing to describe a key quality of services as distinct from goods. Inseparability is the characteristic that a service has which renders it impossible to divorce the supply or production of the service from its consumption.
  • 其他语种释义
  • 推荐英语阅读
inseparability的中文翻译,inseparability是什么意思,怎么用汉语翻译inseparability,inseparability的中文意思,inseparability的中文inseparability in Chineseinseparability的中文inseparability怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
