

  • adj.



  • 例句与用法
  • An english information was inquisitorial in nature .
  • She writhed under this inquisitorial manner of his
  • Goyle was a member of umbridge ' s inquisitorial squad ( op )
  • Chapter two introduces plea bargaining system in other countries , distinguishes the system between america and germany , between america and italy and analyzes its applying scope and effects in inquisitorial system countries
  • After years of talks , mexico ' s congress looks set to approve , by mid - february , a reform that will convert the country ' s legal arrangements from a napoleonic - style inquisitorial system to an anglo - american - style adversarial system
    经过多年协商,墨西哥国会于2月中旬同意对司法体制进行改革,本国的法律审判制度将由拿破仑式的纠问制诉讼转变为盎格鲁? ?美利坚式的抗辩式诉讼。
  • He had a haughty bearing , a look either steady and impenetrable or insolently piercing and inquisitorial . four successive revolutions had built and cemented the pedestal upon which his fortune was based . m . de villefort had the reputation of being the least curious and the least wearisome man in france
  • The thesis uses comparative analysis method to contrast the plea bargaining between america and germany , between america and italy , to demonstrate the possibility of combining plea bargaining with inquisitorial system . the value analysis method is used to clear - cut the reasonableness of plea bargaining , and the inductive method is used to testify the systematic level feasibility of implementing plea bargaining in china
  • With the ways of our countrys criminal litigation court trials changing from inquisitorial proceedings to adversary procedures and the progressing of the criminal jurisdiction reformation , discovery is becoming an unavoidable issue in criminal litigation in our country . in practice , many jurisdictional authorities in our country have tried to explore and try it since 1999 . this article , through comparing the discovery system among britain , america and japan , through analyzing the present actual situation of our countrys criminal litigation and from the aspects of the litigation modes , jurisdiction justice and the necessity for deepening the reformation of criminal trials , has proved that it is necessary and emergent in practice and applicable in theory to establish the discovery regime in our country
  • 英文解释
  • especially indicating a form of prosecution in which proceedings are secret and the accused is questioned by a prosecutor who acts also as the judge

  • having the authority to conduct official investigations; "the inquisitorial power of the Senate"

  • marked by inquisitive interest; especially suggestive of an ecclesiastical inquisitor; "the press was inquisitorial to the point of antagonism"; "a practical police force with true inquisitorial talents"- Waldo Frank

  • 其他语种释义
  • inquisitorialとは意味:{形} : 調査(官){ちょうさ(かん)}の、尋問者{じんもん しゃ}の、調査{ちょうさ}[尋問{じんもん}]する資格{しかく}がある、せんさく好きな -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 【発音】inkwi`zэto':riэl、【分節】in?quis?i?to?ri?al...
  • 推荐英语阅读
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