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用"ingenio"造句"ingenio"怎么读"ingenio" in a sentence


  • 因赫尼奥


  • I had not been long here , but being recommended to the house of a good honest man like himself , who had an ingenio as they call it ; that is , a plantation and a sugar - house
  • But , says the old man , i have one piece of news to tell you , which perhaps may not be so acceptable to you as the rest , and that is , that believing you were lost , and all the world believing so also , your partner and trustees did offer to accompt to me in your name , for six or eight of the first years of profits , which i receiv d ; but there being at that time , says he , great disbursements for encreasing the works , building an ingenio , and buying slaves , it did not amount to near so much as afterwards it produced : however , says she old man , i shall give you a true account of what i have received in all , and how i have disposed of it
  • He told me , that was true ; but that as there was no proof of my being dead , he could not act as executor , until some certain account should come of my death , and that besides , he was not willing to intermeddle with a thing so remote ; that it was true he had registred my will , and put in his claim ; and could he have given any account of my being dead or alive , he would have acted by procuration , and taken possession of the ingenio , so they call d the sugar - house , and had given his son , who was now at the brasils , order to do it
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