

  • v. 赋予个性,使个体化( individuate的现在分词 )



  • 例句与用法
  • To satisfy the individuating demands of our customers by using our abundant logistics experience and transcendent concept
  • In seeing all truths simultaneously, one will see how each individuated truth is necessary to the whole dance
  • We have always been be absorbed in international, professional, individuated and systematism vision marketing services, providing one-station enterprises ( projects ) design services
  • The construction of individuating physics teaching and learning resource is a sort of lasting arid arduous; cause that eyery physics education worker is faced with more and more teacher and specialist have laid stress on it
  • The main research issues of this article are as follows : the representation, creation and maintenance of the individuated pattern-base, the improved the improved filtering-matching algorithm and the intelligent filtering system model based on multi-agents
  • In recent years, information filtering technology, for short, if, appears in the information searching field . it is a kind of systematic method, and can be used to extract individuated information from dynamic data flows to meet user demands
  • We have always been be absorbed in international, professional and individuated services of vision marketing; we pursue every perfect details; we are always trying our best to make humanized production in the fierce competition; we are not only selling our product but also providing an amiable service
  • The other parts is the study of the individuated intelligent agent based of concept semantic network built in the one parts, the agent build a individuated model on the frame of concept semantic network by analyzing the student " feedback information, and the line of the concept represent the correlation of the concept
  • The other parts is the study of the individuated intelligent agent based of concept semantic network built in the one parts, the agent build a individuated model on the frame of concept semantic network by analyzing the student " feedback information, and the line of the concept represent the correlation of the concept
  • As for the representation of the individuated pattern-base, we introduces a new classification representation method based on multi-users and multi-topics, so as to make each profile only denote one user's one topic . this method makes it possible to express explicitly the user's interest . as for the creation of the individuated pattern-base, we adopt the hopfield neural network model, which has the function of ample association and remembrance and may be used to associate with the user's interest to create the initial individuated pattern-base
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