indispensable adj. 1.不可缺少的,必需的,重要的 (to; for)。 2.不能撇开的,责无旁贷的。 Air and water are indispensable to life. 空气和水是生命所必需的。 an indispensable obligation 不可推卸的责任。 -bility, -ness n.,-bly adv.
In section four , an analysis to the characteristics of our current second instance procedure was made . it concluded that the characteristics incarnate the unified indiscriminative system structure which result in the systematic defect 在第四节中,分析了我国现行第二审程序的特点,体现在不区分情况的大一统的制度建构,导致程序制度上的缺陷。