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用"indetail"造句"indetail"怎么读"indetail" in a sentence


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  • I ' l email you indetail , pls check ur mailbox
  • The article reports the study on the cell divisions of allium plants , considers that the amitosis is a main divisional pattern in part of the album healthful epidermis cells , arid indetail reports the forms of mitosis , the divisional peak - hour , and analyses the mechanism of cellular mitosis
  • In this thesis , aim to the beam axis shape be exactitude for design , the internal force of the beam be appeased by design request , the concept of modem cybernetics is applied , at the same time , the effecting parameter has collected . the paper build the ann model in predicting the beam camber an construction and discuss indetail the extraction of inputting nodes information when quoting the fundamental principle of ann model and introducing research process of the improved bnn . according to them , ann is applied in the construction control of prestressed concrete continuous bridge
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