Analysis of the primary components of synthetic indene by gc 茚满合成产物馏分的气相色谱分析
Determination of apparent colour of solid coumarone - indene resin 固体古马隆-茚树脂外观颜色测定方法
Determination of acidity or alkalinity of solid coumarone - indene resin 固体古马隆-茚树脂酸碱度测定方法
Solid coumarone - indene resin 固体古马隆-茚树脂
Petroleum coumarone - indene resin is rubber soften produced according to customers demand . it is widely used in common tyre , shoes - making industry having advantages for charcoal s disperse and improvement of processing function during rubber processing . its appearance is puce color and solid 石油古马隆树脂是为了厂家的需求,生产的橡胶软化剂,在橡胶加工过程中,有利于炭黑的分散,改善加工性能,它广泛用于一般轮胎、制鞋等行业。
a colorless liquid hydrocarbon extracted from petroleum or coal tar and used in making synthetic resins