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用"indefiniteness"造句"indefiniteness"怎么读"indefiniteness" in a sentence"indefiniteness"的同义词


  • n.


  • There is an indefiniteness in the wave number that is related to the finite length of the train .
  • He did not decline the invitation . instead , he put it off with vagueness and indefiniteness and inquired after the family , particularly after mrs . morse and ruth
  • Yet analyzed in the light of the theory concerning chinese criminal law , its limitations will show in the indefiniteness of its nature and status , the confusion of its standards
  • For the reason of the restriction of the indefiniteness of network topology and the limitation of wireless medium bandwidth , the research in router protocols in manet is important and significant
    由于网络拓扑结构的不确定性、无线介质带宽有限等因素的制约, manet中的路由协议是其研究的一个热点和难点。
  • Development zone plays a vital role in the economic development of our country , but there exist many problems to be solved in its running , among which the indefiniteness of subject status of management committee of development zone is the core
  • Abstract : the conformal flat space - time solutions in electromagnetic and scalar theory are shown , and the indefiniteness of the plane - symmetric solutions and the method for defining a noncontinuous field by the intersection of multi - solutions are demonstrated
  • Therefore , complexity knowledge that originates from the intricate social practice and points at the complexity system is different from the universal , definite simple knowledge , and it has many characteristics such as indefiniteness , situation , integrity , questionable , abstrusity , etc
  • With regard to the lack of corresponding entity right backing for " execute the third party " according to the procedure law in current chinese creditor ' s subrogation system ; the inconsistence between the ent ity law and the procedure law for the conditions to exercise creditor ' s subrogation ; the obscure effect of the exercising of the creditor ' s subrogation ; the indefiniteness of right and status of the parties in the subrogation proceeding and so on , it is suggested that amend the civil code , confine the creditor ' s subrogation system , coordinate the rules in entity law and procedure law related to the debtees " to exercise their subrogation , define the creditor ' s subrogation , the right and obligation of related parties in the procedure , perfect the rules in procedure law in order to provide proceeding procedure security for the realization of the creditor ' s subrogation
  • The present survey shows that definiteness of semantic association lies in the realization of sense relations such as synonymy , antonymy and hyponymy in the paradigmatic relations and homogeneity in the syntagmatic relations , while its indefiniteness includes intuitiveness in the paradigmatic relations and heterogeneity in the syntagmatic relations
  • The third , it analyzes some question about feasibility analysis and provides some means to solve theses question . the fourth , it studies some important problem about real estate feasibility analyzing such as : the market segment and market position of real estate , consumer market and consumer buying action analyzing , the financial evaluation of real estate project , the analysis of risk of real estate project , the indefiniteness analyzing of real estate project . in the part of feasibility analyzing of s real estate project , it analyzes the feasibility of the s project from three aspects including marketing feasibility , engineering and technology feasibility , economical feasibility , then makes a conclusion of feasibility analyzing of s project , together with some suggestion to the problem of s project
  • 更多例句:  1  2


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