I could not put up with his indecency . 我无法忍受他的厚颜无耻。
For a moment she suspected herself of having committed an indecency . 有一会儿,她疑心自己做了什么不体面的事。
It carried naked truth about his motives into indecency . 这里面暴露了他的赤裸裸的动机,竟达到有失体统的地步。
Oh , lord . don ' t do that or we gon ' get indecency charges up in here 要是再过火点我们就该收小费了
Inmates who encourage women into acts of indecency can lose their visitation privileges for weeks , wedding said 伟丁指出,鼓动妇女做出下流动作的囚犯将失去数周的被探视权利。
In this column , i ' ll explain why indecency law has always been on extremely tenuous ground , from a constitutional perspective 在这个专栏,我将解释为什么从宪法角度来说不良法律立基不稳。
The injustices that result from indecency law can easily be seen in the case of the recent fcc fines and actions 不良信息法律产生的不公正后果,将在联邦通信委员会最近的罚款一案中呈露无遗。