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用"inde"造句"inde"怎么读"inde" in a sentence


  • 因代
  • 因德
  • 印出


  • What did the declaration of inde - pendence do
  • The american spirit of inde pendence is what really made cars popular
  • This edition is a qzuality compact paperback with printed inde 691527 ing to qu 822271 kly find a book , as well as introductory notes to each sectj ion andbook , maps , a chrono - logical cha e , and a word glossary
    新译本简? 1932693 ?平装,包括拇指索引,每卷书背景介绍,圣经历史和中国历史对照年表,圣经历史地图和词汇浅释。
  • We have , indeed , but to glance at the biographies of great men to find that the most distinguished inventors , artists , thinkers , and workers of all kinds , owe their success , in a great measure , to their inde - fatigable industry and application
  • The properties of intermetallics - ceramics composites are well superior to that of the inde - pendent material , and the composites show the remarkable superiorlty of compounding they can not on - ly be for civil use , but also they show the potential application in the fields of aerospace and military e - quipments
  • 3 . vecm of result indicate shanghai a index , shenzhen b , hengsheng index , and jiaqua - an index can recur equilibrium when they deparure equilibrium by coefficient of vecm moreover hengsheng index is very quike . by granger test indicate between a and b inde - x have cause and effect contemporary between hengsheng index and jiaquan index hav - e cause and effect , this result is same to vecm
    3 、误差修正模型结果指出上海a股,深圳b股、恒生指数和加权指数在短期偏离均衡时,仍可经由误差修正项的调整而回到长期均衡关系,并且恒生指数的调整速度是最快的正向调整。
  • ( 3 ) the research of lycoris on the systematical relationship of micro - morphology and anatomy is absent . it is essential to generalize the character inde xes of morphology , anatomy , cytology , palynology and molecular physiology . so we can establish classification system of lycoris and draw a reasonable family tree of lycoris


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