The man, though poor, showed an inbred courtesy . 那人虽穷,却表现出天生的谦恭有礼。
Inbreeding is crossing between close relations . 近亲繁殖是亲缘很近的亲属之间的交配。
Those decrease with increasing genetic stability and inbreeding . 这些是随着遗传稳定性的提高和近亲繁殖而降低的。
The genetic basis of inbreeding depression cannot be explained by means of simple model . 近交衰退的遗传基础,不能以简单的模式来说明。
Inbred mice of the dba/2 strain developed severe necrotizing lesions of the pancreatic islets . 近亲繁殖的DBA2系小白鼠发生了胰岛严重坏孢病变。
Reduced vigor or "inbreeding depression" is not an invariable consequence of inbreeding . 降低生活力或“近亲繁殖的衰退”并不是近亲繁殖必然的后果。
Endodeme is a deme composed of predominantly closely inbreeding but dioecious individuals . 同系同群种是由近亲繁育占优势,但雌雄异株的个体组成的同群种。
Private jokes, the ritualizing of talk and gustation, a hint of self-satisfaction, even a tiny tinge of inbred malice: these are not entirely unknown in oxford and cambridge . 私人之间的笑话,讲究饮食和谈吐,一点自满,甚至还有一点与生俱来的谑意,这些特点在牛津与剑桥也并非罕见。
The xenoantigenicity of chinese inbred - line pigs 梅花猪的生态分布及其品种特点