Chronic poisoning may lead to death from inanition . 慢性中毒也可能由虚弱导致死亡。
The bounder ' s ostentatious life showed his inanition 暴发户摆阔的生活方式显示出他的浅薄。
Because nutrition has been used up big , inanition is caused 因为营养消耗过大,营养不足造成。
I was now nearly sick from inanition , having taken so little the day before 由于前一天吃得大少,这时我简直饿坏了。
On the forming mechanism of industrial inanition in the old industry bases of west china 西部老工业基地产业空洞化的形成机理
I perceived that i was sickening from excitement and inanition ; neither meat nor drink had passed my lips that day , for i had taken no breakfast 我明白自己由于激动和缺乏营养而感到不舒服。那天我没有吃早饭,肉和饮料都没有进过嘴。
Multicoloured , the artificial beautiful color that makes , will decorate in ice - cold cement building to the evening , give the warmth of a little human touch for change ; remedy some inanition on soul a bit 五光十色,人工打造的亮丽色彩,一到晚上就会点缀在冰冷的水泥建筑物上,找回一点人情味的温暖;弥补一些些心灵上的空虚。
In the course of commercialization reform of financial institutions , inanition in fund emerges in the countryside areas . worse of all , the incomplete financial services and products , the imperfect rural financial organizational system together with deficient new financial institutions such as agricultural insurance and agricultural venture capital fail to meet the demands of agricultural industrialization ' s iurther development 在当前我国广大农村地区,由于金融机构商业化改革,不仅开始出现金融空洞化,使得农业产业化发展资金供给严重不足,而且金融机构的金融服务和金融产品的不完善,农村金融组织体系的不健全,农业保险、农业风险投资等金融新机制的短缺,更是无法满足农业产业化发展对农村金融提出的更高要求。
The collapse which bloom ascribed to gastric inanition and certain chemical compounds of varying degrees of adulteration and alcoholic strength , accelerated by mental exertion and the velocity of rapid circular motion in a relaxing atmosphere , stephen attributed to the reapparition of a matutinal cloud perceived by both from two different points of observation , sandycove and dublin at first no bigger than a woman s hand 这是始而精神紧张,继而又在松弛的气氛下疾迅地旋转这一剧烈的运动所造成的。斯蒂芬却把它归因于起初还没有女人的巴掌那么大的晨云再次出现他们二人曾从不同的地点-沙丘与都柏林,目击到那片云彩5 。
It can meet people ' s deep level mental demand . currently , the living of the urban vulnerable groups is located in a state , that is , low income , few earning , increasing deep relatively - poverty , high n modulus , inanition , basic plump , simple low - level cloth , strain family - relation , big family - burden 当前,城市弱势群体生活状态处于收入水平低,来源少,相对贫困程度日益加深;恩格尔系数高,营养不足,基本肚饱,衣着简朴,档次偏低;家庭关系紧张,家庭负担系数大的状况。