Impulsiveness is not impulsive epitaph 浮躁不是浮躁的墓志铭。
Advancing years had toned down his rash impulsiveness 上年纪后,他那鲁莽、容易冲动的性子好了一些。
There was some emotional lability and impulsiveness during the testing 在测试过程中,患者容易冲动,情绪有时不稳定。
It is inclement upon me to comment with mark displeasure on your rash impulsiveness 我严肃地告诉你,我很不高兴你鲁莽地
Impulsiveness leads teens to seek immediate results over long term goals 冲动导致青少年们忽略长期目标而去追求立竿见影的效果。
Say what you want about the apostle peter s occasional impulsiveness , but there was a reason why jesus chose him to be in his inner circle . there was a reason why peter was called to kingdom leadership 耶稣拣选他进入?的亲密圈子是有理由的,他被呼召担任天国里的领袖是有原因的,我想很大程度是由于彼得敢作敢为
Internally it can appear as depression , anxiety , suicidal thoughts or posttraumatic stress ; it can also be expressed outwardly as aggression , impulsiveness , delinquency , hyperactivity or substance abuse 其内心可能出现抑郁、焦虑、自杀念头,或创伤后压力;其外在可能表现攻击性、任性、犯罪、过动,或物品滥用。
the trait of acting suddenly on impulse without reflection