she felt a change in him, a change in the arm held loosely and impersonally across her back . 她感到他身上有了一种变化,他的手臂松弛了,若即若离地绕在她的背后。
His costs of living and schooling, including the fees at yale, were paid impersonally through an athens law firm . 他生活和上学的费用,包括在耶鲁的学费,是通过雅典一家律师事物所支付的。
The method of real option could impersonally dispose parts of unknown ( but could be known ) data 实物期权方法则能够客观地处理一部分未知(但可知的)信息。
In all , we can get two conclusions : advantages of backwardness exist impersonally ; and there need some conditions to realize it 因此,可以肯定的结论有两点:一是后发优势是客观存在的;二是后发优势的实现是有条件的。
To evaluate the quality of hotel service impersonally and systematically is now becoming so important as to strengthen the competitive advantage and receive sustainable development of hotel 因此,客观、系统地评价饭店服务质量已成为提高饭店竞争力、促进饭店业健康发展的重要因素。
The coming of 3g era needs to use these new standards and technology impersonally , and needs to develop new telecommunication managemnent network system which is better fit for the requirements 3g时代的到来,在客观上要求利用这些新的标准和技术,开发更加符合实际需求的电信网络管理系统。
It included three indexes , availability index , repair index and interior breakdown index respectively , which can assess the work quality of sub - regional msa scientifically and impersonally 航标处的质量考核指标体系,适用于航标处,包括三个指标:航标可用性指标、航标修复率指标、航标内在失常率指标,能客观、科学地考核航标处的工作质量。
The result shows that the risk evaluation model , overcoming the disturbing of many uncertain factors , can provide us with credible reference about the mergers & acquisitions directly and impersonally 分析结果表明,利用多层次模糊综合评价方法分析企业并购风险,可以克服很多不确定性因素的干抚,能更加直接、客观地进行并购风险评价,并可为并购企业做出正确的并购决策提供可靠的依据。
Conventional single - observer passive locating methods are low in speed and precision . moreover , corresponding locating precision is sensitive to direction measurement errors , which puts forward high demands on measurement equipments impersonally 传统的单站无源定位方法总的来说具有定位时间较长、定位精度较低的特点,并且定位精度对方向测量误差非常敏感,在客观上对测量设备提出了较高的要求。
The third chapter states out the condition of investment funds in our country , and impersonally analyzes the problems in the development of investment funds in china . at the same time , the author discusses the significance of developing investment funds in china 第三章立足于我国实际情况,阐述了我国投资基金的产生与现状,客观分析了目前我国投资基金业存在主要问题,包括:地区差异显著,基金发展不规范,法律不完善,行业操守与监管存在严重问题等等。